Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama has been doing rounds on the internet for a long time. The timeless Japanese amine gained its popularity in India during the 2020 pandemic along with a few other spiritual movies and shows including the Saurabh Raj Jain and Shaheer Sheikh starrer television series, Mahabharat. Meanwhile, the 1993 foreign language film about India’s greatest epic is all set to release in Indian theatres.
What to expect in theatres?
According to the latest official statement, the upcoming film, which was originally released over three decades ago, is set to be showcased in 4K remaster with enhanced audio, offering an unprecedented and deeply engaging cinematic experience.
Official release date announcement
Excel Movies announced the Indian theatrical release date of the 1993 film with a new poster. The production giant took its official Instagram handle and shared the image with a special caption that reads, “The wait is over! Experience India’s greatest epic in all its glory! Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama releasing on January 24, 2025, in Hindi, English, Tamil, and Telugu. An unmissable 4K experience awaits! Trailer out in 2 days! #Ramayana #TheLegendOfPrinceRama (sic).”
Check out the latest post here:
About the upcoming anime movie
Co-produced by India and Japan, Ramayana is co-directed by Indian and Japanese filmmakers including Ram Mohan, Koichi Sasaki and Yugo Sako. The trio have also done the screenplay of the movie alongside Narendra Sharma, Rani Burra and Hiroshi Onogi. Bankrolled by Nippon Ramayana Film Co. in association with TEM Co., Ltd, Geek Pictures India Pvt Ltd, Excel Entertainment and AA Films, Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama stars Nikhil Kapoor, Rael Padamsee, Uday Mathan, Mishal Varma and Noel Godin. The film is scheduled to be released in theatres on January 24, 2025, in Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu along with the original English version.