Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan’s team has issued an official statement after he came out of surgery at the Lilavati Hospital where he was admitted on Thursday morning around 3:30 am, after he sustained injuries in an attack by an intruder at his Bandra home in Mumbai.
As per reports, Saif was stabbed at least six times in an attempted robbery incident at his residence when he got embroiled in a scuffle with the intruder who had entered his children’s room around 2:30 am on January 16, 2025. One of the house staff got a whiff of the unidentified intruder and shouted to alert everyone. That’s when Saif got embroiled in a scuffle and the intruder attacked him with a knife, stabbed him multiple times and fled the scene.
Saif was rushed to the Lilavati Hospital where he was being treated by a team of neuro and cosmetic surgeons. Reportedly, the actor’s surgery began at 5:30 am and went on till for about 2.5 to 3 hours. Post the surgery, Saif Ali Khan’s team issued an official statement to the press which read:
“Saif Ali Khan has come out of surgery and is out of danger. He is currently in recovery and the doctors are monitoring his progress. All family members are safe and the police is investigating the incident.
We would like to thank Dr. Niraj Uttamani, Dr. Nitin Dange, Dr Leena Jain and the team at Lilavati hospital.
Thank you to all his fans and well-wishers for their prayers and thoughts during this time”
Dr Jalil Parkar from the hospital had earlier told The Indian Express, “Saif Ali Khan was stabbed by an unidentified person at his Bandra home and was brought in at 3:30 am. Saif has six stabs and two are deep. Of this, one is close to spine.”
Another doctor had told Hindustan Times that they had found “a piece of knife” in the body and the extent of the damage was being examined by the doctors. The COO of the hospital, Dr Niraj Uttamani also told the publication that the actor had sustained injury on his neck as well.
In a press briefing post the surgery, Dr Nitin Dange, Neurologist at the Lilavati Hospital, who performed Saif’s surgery told the media persons that Saif was admitted to the hospital with a major injury to the thoracic spinal cord due to a lodged knife in the spine. Surgery was performed to remove the knife piece and repair the leaking spinal fluid. He further informed that the actor also had two deep wounds on his left hand and thigh which was operated upon by the plastic surgeons. The actor is out of danger and has been shifted to the ICU post the surgeries where he is stable and recovering well. The actor will be under observation for one day.
As reported by India Today, the police has been investigating the matter from every angle, even as the family maintains that it was a burglary attempt. In the initial investigation, officials have taken fingerprints from Saif and Kareena Kapoor Khan’s Bandra West residence. The police have been going through the CCTV footage from the night of the incident but haven’t found any signs of forced entry, or any unidentified/suspicious person entry the premises. The house staff who shouted and alerted the family of the intruder had also sustained some minor injuries and was taken for questioning after she was treated.