The makers of Khushi Kapoor and Junaid Khan starrer Loveyapa dropped the film’s trailer on Friday. The unmissable chemistry of Junaid and Khushi has become the talk of the town on social media. After making her acting debut in Zoya Akhtar’s The Archies (2023) on Netflix, Khushi is now gearing up for her first theatrical release with Loveyapa. The trailer launch event of the film in Mumbai saw Khushi engaging with the media, where she shared insights about her role in the film and her thoughts on relationships.
Khushi Kapoor opens up on her Loveyapa costar Junaid Khan:
Khushi will be seen sharing screen space with Aamir Khan’s son Junaid Khan for the first time in the film. Reflecting on her co-star, Junaid, Khushi said, “I watched Junaid in Maharaj (his debut film in 2024). I loved the film, and I remember telling him about it when I met him also. I think one of the common habits that both of us have is, we love rehearsing a lot, which we did throughout the film as it required. Since many of our scenes are not together but on the phone, the timing was important and tricky.”
“Also, we realised that both of us are very introverted and do not like talking too much (laughs). I am delighted to be a part of this film because after watching the original film (Love Today), which is in Tamil, I liked it, and there was no question of whether I wanted to do it. It was a pretty clear ‘yes’ from my end,” she added.
Khushi Kapoor gets candid on love and relationships:
On the subject of love and relationships, Khushi candidly shared her perspective. She shared with the media persons, “I do not think there is such a thing called perfect relationship. In a relationship, it is all about understanding, communicating, and constantly learning from each other. So, I do not think there is anything like a ‘perfect relationship’. If at all, it is when you understand that there are flaws and when you acknowledge where each of you has gone wrong and how to handle it and move forward from that. That, for me, is the best relationship.”
Khushi Kapoor’s boyfriend:
For those who are unversed, Khushi is rumoured to be dating her The Archies co-star Vedang Raina. Even though none of them has confirmed their relationship, and the duo maintain that they are single publicly, they have often been spotted together at film screenings, events and parties. Last year in November, the duo apparently went on a vacation together as well.
Loveyapa, a remake of the 2022 Tamil hit Love Today, also stars celebrated actors such as Ashutosh Rana and Kiku Sharda. Directed by Advait Chandan and presented by AGS Entertainment and Phantom Studios, the film is set to release in theatres on February 7, 2025.