Kartik Aaryan starrer Aashiqui 3 has been creating a lot of buzz. The Bollywood actor announced his romantic drama film with Anurag Basu in 2022. Reportedly, soon after that Triptii Dimri’s name appeared to be linked with the movie. Now, a rumour has been doing rounds for quite some days claiming the actress’ exit from the film over a ‘purity in demeanour’ remark from the makers. However, the director of the anticipated film has refused the claims.
Anurag Basu refuses claims
According to the latest report by mid-day, a rumour has been circulating for quite some time about Triptii’s exit from the Anurag directorial because the female lead of Aashiqui 3 demands ‘purity in demeanour,’ while the actress has become “too exposed” after her stint in Animal. However, the media outlet reached out to the filmmaker asking about the same. The Barfi director refused all claims and also mentioned, “That’s not true. Triptii knows it too.”
Triptii Dimri’s upcoming projects
Triptii is currently gearing up for the Shahid Kapoor starrer Arjun Ustara, which is set to be directed by Vishal Bhardwaj. Meanwhile, she is also working on Dhadak 2 alongside Siddhant Chaturvedi. The Kho Gaye Hum Kahan star announced his film with Triptii by sharing a motion poster on his official Instagram handle that sees both the actors in each other’s embrace. The release of the romantic drama movie has been postponed for now.
Check out the post here:
Anurag Basu-Kartik Aaryan’s new venture
Mid-day also reports that Aashiqui 3 has been indefinitely postponed as Kartik and Basu have moved on to a new project together. The untitled film is set to be bankrolled by Bhushan Kumar under T-Series. However, the makers are yet to finalize the female lead against the Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 star.