A few days ago when Bollywood action legend Suniel Shetty spoke about making his debut in Tulu cinema with actor-director and the winner of Bigg Boss Kannada OTT and Bigg Boss Kannada Season 9 Roopesh Shetty’s upcoming film Jai at a press meet in Mangaluru, the actor said, “I am proud to be from Tulu Nadu. I have always wanted to act in a Tulu film, but a good opportunity never came until now. I am honoured to act in Jai. It’s an impressive story.”
What seems to be a big-budget political thriller, Jai is currently in the third stage of shooting, with sequences filmed at various locations including Udupi, Kundapura and Mangaluru. Penned by Prasanna Shetty Bailur, the storyline spotlights Karnataka’s coastal region, with music by Loy Valentine Saldana and cinematography by Vinuth K. Apart from Suniel and Roopesh, the ensemble cast includes Adhvithi Shetty (who is also making her Tulu debut), Devadas Kapikad, Naveen D Padil, Aravind Bolar, Bhojaraj Vamanjoor and Prasanna. Roopesh, who has previously worked in Tulu, Kannada and Konkani films, is known for his performance in Girgit, Gamjaal and Circus. Jai is backed by RS Cinemas, Shoolin Films and Mugrodi Productions.
Suniel recently shared a special video from the set of Jai on social media. “For the love of Tulunaad, for the pride of Mangaluru, and for the beating heart of my roots. Thrilled to step into the world of Tulu Cinema alongside absolute legends. Coming home never felt more special,” he captioned the post on Instagram. Responding to which, Roopesh wrote, “Anna thank you so much for all the love and support ❤️ you are a true tuluva from heart❤️ i have learnt a lot from working with you. You are a true superstar on and off the screen, thanks alot for everything ❤️ (sic).” Details regarding the film’s release are still awaited.
Suniel was born in Mulki, in a Bunt family. In his career, extending more than 30 years, he has acted in over 100 films. In 2023, Suniel made his OTT debut with Amazon miniTV’s eight-episode web series Hunter – Tootega Nahi, Todega. Although the series received lukewarm response from critics and audiences, his stellar performance as ACP Vikram Sinha was widely hailed as a tremendous comeback.
Also a style and fitness icon, the actor recently hailed the potential Tulu-speaking people across industries. According to him, people from Karnataka’s coastal belt have excelled in various fields, including the Hindi film industry. “Tulu Nadu’s culture and landscapes are remarkable, providing opportunities for filmmakers from different languages,” he added. Commenting on his future endeavours, Suniel has expressed his desire to work in a full-length comedy film.